

Reduce Food Loss and Waste


Our planet needs to feed a population of 9.7 billion in 2050. The demand for animal protein and food continues to rise. This puts great pressure on the environment, food supply and limited natural resources.

Meanwhile, about 1/3 of the food from animal protein production is being lost or wasted. Animal protein is an important part of healthy and balanced nutrition and is necessary to provide key micronutrients. Therefore, we need to avoid losing or wasting such precious resources.

With technological innovation, NHU strives to change the way that animals are fed. We  provide scientific solutions for human health and animal farming and improve the quality of animal food, to reduce the loss and waste of the entire value chain. The use of our products such as vitamins, methionine, astaxanthin and cantharidin in animal premix and feed can strengthen animal immunity and meat quality, which helps to provide high quality animal protein.

东丽区| 娱乐| 公主岭市| 珠海市| 宜州市| 定日县| 元阳县| 克东县| 通化市| 南郑县| 桓仁| 江川县| 丰台区| 贵定县| 扶余县| 建瓯市| 汾西县| 西贡区| 苍梧县| 钦州市| 郸城县| 浙江省| 涞水县| 岢岚县| 江孜县| 乐平市| 武川县| 德化县| 凌海市| 南汇区| 沙坪坝区| 弥渡县| 建瓯市| 弋阳县| 宁阳县| 双桥区| 旬邑县| 罗山县| 南康市| 渭南市| 余江县|