


Blue ocean, green food

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is crucial in farmed fish. Fish are unable to synthesize vitamin C themselves, so it must be obtained through their diets. For fish, Vitamin C is needed for fostering growth and reproduction, wound healing, resistance to disease and immune function.


Carotenoids play an essential part in animal feed. They are important anti-oxidants and precursors to vitamin A. Apart from this, their utmost role in aquaculture farming is to improve the appearance of fish. Aquaculture feed can help achieve on-target pigmentation via precise adding schemes.


The addition of methionine to aquaculture feed can improve the balance of amino acids, maximize the nutritional value of the amino acids and protein in the feed, and improve the digestion and utilization of feed protein. Methionine is the only essential amino acid that contains sulfur. It contributes to the synthesis of many important substances in aquatic animals and the metabolism of phospholipids in the liver, thereby promoting the growth of aquatic animals and preventing fatty liver and other conditions.

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