

Prenol (331)

Products Introduction



Colorless, clear, flammable, and irritating liquid



30-ton tanker, 850kg IBC tank, 170kg steel IBC tank, or according to demand


Production plant

Weifang, Shandong Province

CAS number: 763-32-6

We produced isoprenol using a naphtha cracking-derived C4 fraction, as the main raw material. Isoprenol is used as the initiator in the synthesis of macromonomer (as known as isopentenyl polyoxyethylene ether) of polycarboxylic acid type water reducer in the construction field. It helps to realize low cement content, high water reduction rate, good reinforcing effect, great durability, and no rusting of steel for the cement mixing process. It is also in line with the modern idea of eco-friendly construction.

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